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By Joëlle Thiffault on

Art therapy and Alzheimer's disease: The benefits

Art therapy, a form of therapy using artistic creation, is increasingly recognized for its benefits in individuals with Alzheimer's disease. This article explores in detail the benefits of art therapy for Alzheimer's and other cognitive disorders and how this approach can enrich the lives of those affected and their families.

Avantages de la therapie par art

Art therapy: A window into the emotional world

For people with Alzheimer's disease or other cognitive disorders, art therapy offers a unique way to express themselves and communicate. Cognitive disorders can hinder verbal communication, but art provides a non-verbal means of sharing thoughts and feelings. This allows individuals affected to maintain a form of communication and personal expression, even in the advanced stages of the disease.

Cognitive stimulation through artistic creation

Artistic creation in the context of art therapy workshops stimulates cognitive functions. Activities like drawing, painting, or sculpting engage different parts of the brain, which can help maintain brain activity, improve memory, concentration, and motor skills, and slow disease progression. Moreover, these activities can evoke memories and emotions, helping to maintain a connection with the past.

Reducing stress and improving mood

The concentration required for artistic creation helps reduce stress and can bring a sense of accomplishment and pride, contributing to a better mood. Artistic creation stimulates dopamine production, associated with the sensation of pleasure, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with cognitive disorders.

Enhancing self-esteem and identity

Alzheimer's disease can affect people’s self-esteem. Art therapy helps strengthen the sense of personal identity and value. Each work of art created is a unique expression of the individual, which can boost self-esteem and counter feelings of isolation or loss. Displaying and sharing their artwork with family and friends can also enhance their sense of worth and contribution to society.

Promoting social interactions

Art therapy sessions can also be a means of promoting social interactions. Participating in group activities provides an opportunity to interact with others, share experiences, and develop social bonds, which is crucial for individuals with cognitive disorders.

Support for caregivers

Caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's or other cognitive disorders also benefit from art therapy. Observing their loved ones' creations helps them better understand their emotions and state of mind, thereby improving communication and support. The artworks created can serve as a starting point for conversation, helping to strengthen social and emotional bonds.

Art therapy: A powerful tool

Art therapy is a powerful tool for caregivers of loved ones with cognitive disorders, offering a gentle and effective therapeutic approach. This method provides emotional and cognitive support to affected individuals and strengthens their social bonds and overall well-being.

At Humanika, we understand the importance of such approaches in caring for individuals with cognitive disorders, and we are committed to providing solutions that enhance their quality of life.

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